About Renewed Mind Enrichment Therapy & Community Services Network


My mission is to help you build a "solid foundation" while assisting you with your basic, social, and mental health needs.  As a social agent of change, I am a therapist and social service practitioner who focuses on the needs of the "whole person."  My role as a social service practitioner encompasses the advocacy of clientele who need assistance outside or beyond my scope of professional practice.  In particular, I apply and utilize an interdisciplinary systems approach that integrates therapy and case management linked to community services.  These case management services include networking and collaboration with social service providers, mental health clinicians, healthcare practitioners, and legal specialists. 

As a therapist, my goal is to empower you in renewing your mind while enriching you with fundamental knowledge regarding the process of the psyche surrounding the mind, soul, and spirit.  This therapy protocol is grounded and rooted in various therapeutic modalities and incorporates treatment approaches that remedy mental health problems that impact perception, emotions, behaviors, and social well-being.  Given all things stated, my mission is to support you in "fully functioning" within a wide range of areas in your life while helping you reach "self-actualization." 

Meet Dr. Angela Jackson

Hello, my name is Dr. Angela Jackson, and I welcome you to Renewed Mind Enrichment Therapy & Community Services Network, which ensures the confidentiality and anonymity of clientele with a focus on quality treatment throughout your therapy and networking of community services.   

Personal Testimony

Life has thrust upon me various challenges that paved my path as an entrepreneur, therapist, writer, and inspirational speaker.  Likewise, during my childhood, I felt the need to compare myself to other females among my peer group to meet the norms of what society defined as beautiful.  I also endured the challenges of becoming a young mother in early adulthood after a long-term failed relationship.

Single parenthood was the ultimate challenge that I eventually overcame, and now I come before you this day as a Strong, Independent, Confident Black woman who finally knows her worth after a journey of these specific life challenges.  Needless to say, I no longer attempt to "fit" in what society defines as the norm or compare myself to others.  Instead, I represent my uniqueness, as I believe we all should because no two people are "exactly" alike, and every individual should express their uniqueness regardless of their race, gender, color, or what society declares is the norm.  

Career Passion

Inherently, I am passionate about my role as a therapist because I desire to empower people, including women, single parents, and diverse populations and family systems.  As such, we all have a story that involves various situations that have inflicted heartache and pain, but we can "learn" from these situations rather than allow these traumatic events to "continue" to dictate our lives.  This transformation starts with the realization that the mind is one of the most "powerful" bodily organs you possess.  By renewing your mind, you can pursue your heart's desires which symbolizes passion as this intense "emotion of enthusiasm" that has driven me to pursue a professional career in social services and mental health portrays the "true meaning" of the happiness we all desperately seek.  

Therapeutic Perspective

Life's journey can present us with unforeseen challenges that originate in our childhood.  Once we overcome these challenges, we can capture and view our lives through a different lens in which we not only survive but "thrive" due to a renewed state of mind.  Accordingly, the trials and tribulations you encounter can prepare you for a purpose-driven life, but your state of mind is the "key" to coping with life stressors and resolving problematic issues that conflict within you.  

In light of this cognitive process, you are the love and the happiness you seek!  Once you can embrace this rational mental state that "influences" an optimistic mindset, you will successfully live your life to the fullest regardless of the obstacles life may thrust upon you.  As your therapist and social service practitioner, I would be honored to impart therapeutic interventions to help you enrich and conquer a Renewed Mind that ultimately instills "peace of mind" beyond your mental discomfort. 

Social Service Practitioner Role

My professional background includes approximately 20 years of practice in the social services and mental health fields.  In the social services field, I have assumed the role of a Social Service Practitioner while coordinating services within various organizations and institutes, including Independent Living, Community-at-Risk, and Assisted Living programs.  These case management services include collaboration with healthcare practitioners, mental health clinicians, legal specialists, and social service providers while linking healthcare, mental health, and social services to clients when deemed necessary.  In addition, I have advocated for women with DHS cases while assisting this population in establishing family reunification success.  

Therapist Role 

I have fulfilled my role as a therapist in the mental health field while providing individual, family, group, and couple therapy to various populations, including women, adolescents, single parents, and couples.  Furthermore, I have worked with diverse family systems while addressing domestic and cultural issues.  This diverse clientele includes interracial couples and people of mixed race representing multiracial/biracial heritage.  Moreover, I am passionate about my role as a therapist because of a deep desire to empower people, "including but not limited” to women, female adolescents, and family systems comprising people of color.  

Doctorate of Philosophy

My Doctorate of Philosophy in Human Services entails a (Specialization in Social and Community Services), which comprises both the provision and networking of treatment services listed below.  

Types of Services

  1. Case Management:  Collaboration w/Social Service Providers, Mental Health Clinicians, Legal Specialists, and Health Care Practitioners.

  2. Individual Therapy

  3. Family Therapy

  4. Multicultural Counseling

  5. Couples Therapy

  6. Grief Counseling

  7. Career Counseling

Target Populations

  1. Adolescents & Adults (13-65 years)

  2. Culturally Diverse Populations & Family systems

  3. Married Couples & Interracial Couples 

Mental Health Specialties 

  1. Depression

  2. Anxiety

  3. PTSD

  4. Bipolar Disorder

  5. ADHD

  6. ODD

  7. Anger Management

Mental Health Problems & Life Stressors

  1. Self-identity & Self-esteem Issues

  2. Family Issues

  3. Trauma Issues

  4. Sexual Abuse

  5. Cultural Issues

  6. Marital Problems

  7. Domestic Violence

Therapeutic Modalities & Treatment Approaches

  1. Client-Centered Therapy

  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  3. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)

  4. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT)

  5. Spirit-Focused & Spirituality Therapy

  6. Family Systems Theory

  7. Critical Race Theory (CRT)