Voice for Women 

A voice for women derives from the premise that women have fulfilled various roles for many centuries and often are not acknowledged for their positive impact on the family infrastructure, much less what they contribute to society.  For several decades, women have been treated like second-class citizens in the home and workplace due to social stigmas that often label women as either trophy wives, mothers, or simple homemakers.  However, women are more than their roles; therefore, more women must identify and represent their "Identity as Individuals " regardless of their relationship or parental status.  Again, this change starts with women, as we Deserve to be heard, recognized, honored, and respected by members of society as a whole. 

But the change for equality, value, and recognition still revolves around conflictual gender role biases from which women are still fighting, concerning the Equal Opportunities that men are often rewarded and take for granted.  Due to these situational circumstances, women must learn and practice resilience that promotes inner strength and fosters independence.  In America, more women are now the Heads of Households due to the growing "prevalence" of single parenthood.  As a result, many independent women are mothers while assuming the father's role in the home setting; and women in marital or couple relationships possess independence as these women, too, fulfill multiple roles.  Moreover, independence is "Not" solely based on a woman's relationship status; married women or women engaged in romantic relationships can still maintain and uphold their independence, which is synonymous with strong single women.  For independence is rooted in the "ability" to act and think for oneself, and is symbolic of individualism

Furthermore, women who choose to pursue a career path assume the roles of a student and a professional in the workplace while maintaining the essential roles she already takes on.  Yet, a large proportion of men still earn more in the workplace compared to women with the "same" work experience and education level due to societal norms that regard "All" men as the breadwinners and sole providers of the family unit.  So, whether women opt to marry, cohabitate, or remain single, strong women are highly impacted by performing multiple roles to preserve family cohesion. 

To execute a meaningful change for the female populace, we, as women, must take a stand and be a Voice of Reason for all women. This motion starts with every woman acknowledging her "Worth as an Individual" minus the roles she plays.  This change also exemplifies women becoming conscientious of what she accomplishes each and every day.  Precisely, every woman should engage in self-validation that ultimately improves Respect & Validation of Self.    

As a social agent of change, and a Voice for Women, I encourage the following discourse: (1) Do "Not" allow Social Stigmas to Dictate your life.  (2) You are "more" than your Role as a spouse, girlfriend, significant other, or even a mother.  (3) Let no one Define you because no one knows you 'Better" than you.  (4) Engage in Self-care, and care for yourself as you do for others.  (5) Assert yourself and require respect from those who disregard you.  (6) Value your Worth in the workplace and request financial profit for professional productivity.  (7) Last but not least, "Represent Your Uniqueness" because a Strong, Independent, and more notably Confident woman does not compete with anyone but herself, as she has nothing to prove to anyone else. 

Dr. Angela Michelle Jackson