Multicultural Counseling

Multicultural Counseling

Multicultural counseling stems from the premise that all cultures are unique and each has its strengths and weaknesses.  Multicultural counseling emphasizes diversity and seeks to understand how cultural and identity issues can impact mental health because of discrimination or racism experienced by people of color.  For these reasons, the therapist must consider the values of different cultures and be conscientious of personal biases to ensure cultural competence is understood and practiced to avoid individual or institutional racism.  Therefore, this treatment approach is imperative to successfully treat mental health issues surrounding the perceptions and mindsets of people of color. 

“Colorblindness is a mask behind racial inequality.”

-Dr. Angela M. Jackson


Ms. Angela has helped me become a better woman and has aspired me to be more than just my circumstances. She has been there to help me heal and process my journey to self-discovery. Ms. Angela shares her life experiences and empowers me to strive to be my “best self” and that being a woman of color is about making a difference. She speaks volumes to me as a Strong Black Woman. Now, I wish to make a difference in the world too because I am nursing student and plan to work in the nursing field to help others.
As we all know, God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. When battling my toughest days, it wasn’t a coincidence that Angela Jackson became my therapist and was getting ready to make a big impact on my life. To be a young Black woman going through life changes is a tough battle, but to meet a strong Black woman who knows what she wants, her worth as a woman, and where she is going in life is a Blessing and a gift from God. Angela Jackson is one of the main reasons I don’t look back only forward. My previous therapy sessions with Angela have helped me grow into my independence and have helped me develop a “strong mind frame.” I have gone from being a federal prison inmate to getting ready to become a “Surgical Technician” with the help of Angela. I thank God for making her my therapist, but more so for giving me “a friend and a female mentor” I can look to for guidance and support. You, Dr. Angela Jackson, have helped me grow into the strong Black woman I am today; I will forever be thankful for you.
I’m a Hispanic female and was placed into foster care and have been in the foster care system awhile. So it has been quite a struggle. Hopefully, it will not be too much longer! I went into foster care because my mom was an unfit parent of seven kids. She was addicted to meth and marijuana that she wouldn’t even get up in the mornings to make sure we got up for school or sometimes to feed us. Usually, it was like fending for yourselves, but I am sure it was complicated with us kids growing so fast, and food stamps could only buy us so much food for the month. My biological dad isn’t in the picture. I started seeing Dr. Angela M. Jackson around 2020, and she and I have talked about so many things, some repetitive, but that’s how you get some of the treatment approaches she uses to stick. Like practicing for a sport, you have to do that certain thing repeatedly until it just sticks with you even if you already know what to do. That is what my therapeutic relationship with Angela has been like. Her and I’s relationship has grown tremendously over the last couple of years. She has helped me through so much, and she still is. Things such as my relationship with my foster mom get very rocky sometimes, and she helps us smooth things out by getting us to talk and work things out with each other. Since our “family therapy sessions,” my foster mom and I have created such a great bond. But, of course, it can always use some improvement, but that is what Angela helps us with, and this is to develop our relationship with one another better. So, we are around to learn and grow together, not just with us but with others. I am happy with my services I receive from Dr. Jackson.
I am an African-American male single parent raising two teenage daughters, including one with special needs, which has been a hard struggle for me. Single parenthood has helped me understand things about my life that have molded me into the man I am today. But I had a very blessed childhood because I was raised by a strong, God-fearing, Independent single mother and had a solid God-fearing intelligent, well-rounded Grandfather and uncles in my life that guided me. Adulthood has been both heaven and hell, all wrapped in one. But thanks to the Doctor- Client relationship I have formed with Dr. Angela Jackson, I have “learned” to process, understand, and heal from my past and present life experiences. Not only has Dr. Jackson helped me mentally, but she also has “helped me spiritually.” Her God-given gift to discern, understand, and give insight into spiritual-related issues and emotions is phenomenal. DR. ANGELA JACKSON is genuinely using her gift from God to practice as a therapist, and she is truly a blessing to all she sees. So, I am blessed to have her in my life, and I’m a Satisfied client!